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About Norman...


Hi and welcome to IWWWJ (I Will Walk With Jesus)! I am a retired pastor and hospice chaplain who responded to God’s call on my life to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I serviced for 33 years as a pastoral minister within a major denomination and am now a retired clergy within the Global Methodist Church. Throughout my life God has been present, but it wasn’t until the spring of 1980 when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I responded to God’s call on my life to be a pastor and evangelist in the fall of 1983 when my brother and I came home over Labor Day weekend within 2 hours of each other to announce that we were be called by God, leaving whatever job we were in, and going to seminary in preparation to fulfill that call. 


Since that time I have been blessed to minister in a variety of church settings including cross-racially, with youth, young adults, adults, and seniors. I have had the privilege to serve in mission experiences in Mexico, Ghana West Arica, Guatemala, Cuba, and South Africa. I love God and love people. I believe the Christ follower or “Christian” should never ask the question, “What would Jesus do?”, rather we as believers should respond to Colossians 2:6 which says, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.” For me, living a life after the example of Jesus is the best way to show God’s love to the world, so when they ask the reason for the joy and hope they see in me, I can then share how Jesus has radically changed my life (the Good News!). Essentially, God has called me to love Him with  all my heart and love other people. I am to be seen first, and then share Jesus. I confess that I am in no way perfect, but strive to be faithful. The image under my photo it just one of the designs the Lord has given me to help others express their faith visually with the hope of sharing Christ. Please check out our store and see if there is something that might interest you.


I invite you to join me as a Christ follower to accept the challenge commit in your heart and say, I will walk with Jesus. THANK YOU for visiting my site. May the Lord bless you .


In Jesus,


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